4 Natural Ways to Deep Sleep

deep sleepIf you’re like 43% of all Americans, you have trouble sleeping at least one night a week. I have the problem occasionally and I’ve found natural and effective ways to lull myself to sleep or back to sleep when I awaken in the middle of the night.

Please! At all costs avoid sleeping pills of any kind. They have terrible side effects, they are addictive and they can cause bizarre behavior, including walking, eating and driving while asleep.

Valerian: The #1 sleep aid

This aromatic root is scientifically proven to ease mild to moderate insomnia as effectively as sleeping pills –without the risk of addiction or morning-after grogginess. German research shows that 89% of patients who took just 100 mg. of valerian extract reported better sleep immediately and other European research shows valerian can prevent insomnia altogether if you take it on a regular basis.

I prefer to take valerian tincture when I need it and I usually drop off to sleep in about 15 minutes. Warning: Valerian has an unpleasant odor, some say like dirty socks, others say it smells like vomit. In my opinion, it’s worth it. How about yours?

Many people do well at 100 mg. You can safely take up to 700 mg.

Melatonin: The sleep hormone

Have trouble staying asleep through the night? That’s generally my problem, when I wake up to use the bathroom and then my mind starts spinning.

Melatonin has been shown to prevent nighttime and early morning awakenings by regulating sleep cycles. Ina Spanish study, 60% of subjects reported they were able to fall asleep more quickly, plus they reported 62% fewer nighttime awakenings.

Melatonin is also a great way to get your sleep patterns back on track than you’re traveling and dealing with jet lag.

The best dose is 1 to 3 mg daily and the lower doses are usually the most effective.

L-theanine: The chill pill

This is one of green tea’s active substances that gives you a calm alertness in the daytime and deeper sleep at night. Sometimes a cup of green tea before bed is enough (choose decaf at this hour!), but often it is not.

This amino acid is a unique substance that can cross the blood-brain barrier, helping your brain produce calming serotonin and producing smooth EEG waves that show the deep calm that produces restful sleep.

One Japanese study showed that volunteers who got 200 mg of l-theanine a day achieved deeper uninterrupted sleep.

Phosphatidylserine (PS): The Stress Neutralizer

This fat found in all cell membranes helps reduce your levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, deepening your sleep.

Most of us suffer from the chronic stress cycle, so I think most of us need PS to neutralize the cortisol that is the result of toxic unrelieved stress.

In a recent study, German researchers found that PS made significant inroads in relieving stress and promoting sleep in highly stressed middle-aged men. The best dosage is 200-300 mg every day. 
