HCG drops targeted by FDA

Jan. 3, 2012

The FDA has issued seven warning letters to companies marketing HCG products labelled as homeopathic for weight loss.

The FDA threat has already affected the availability of HCG drops from a number of manufacturers fearful of being fined by the FDA for “false claims” that homeopathic HCG helps in weight control.

I won’t go into all the details here, but the effectiveness of HCG drops, at least those from recommended companies, is unquestionable. I have seen dozens of successes with people I’ve coached through the HCG diet using drops. I know it works. I also now these drops are safe when used in conjunction with a sensible diet — in my mind that is a minimum of 700 calories a day — as outlined in my book, The Super Simple HCG Diet.

The FDA warned that “The HCG products marketed over-the-counter are unproven to help with weight loss and are potentially dangerous even if taken as directed,” said Ilisa Bernstein, acting director of the Office of Compliance in FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

There are a multitude of reasons not to trust the FDA and my personal opinion is that the FDA exists to protect drug companies. There’s a new pharmaceutical anti-obesity drug in the FDA’s pipeline (Qnexa by Vivus) that lists heart problems and birth defects among its side effects. It’s also not coincidental that the FDA’s December warning letters were issued at precisely the time of year when many Americans begin diets.

If you are using HCG drops, you may still find them to be available, but as a precautionary measure, I suggest to you buy as much as you think you will need to reach your goal weight–just in case the brand you know is effective for you disappears.

I’d also like to hear about your successes with specific brands of drops. You’ll see the ones I recommend because I know they work, but I am sure there are many others out there that can help fill in any gaps caused by FDA threats. Since this situation is very fluid, please keep visiting my HCG website for the latest information.

2 thoughts on “HCG drops targeted by FDA”

  1. Hi Kathleen,
    I am a big advocate of HCG drops. They work. I know, my dad knows, 2 of my friends know. We are all success stories. My dad is 1lb away from his 50lb goal.My friends and I just lost an average of 15lbs in the last 3 weeks. We are all sorely dissappointed that the FDA has banned the drops. We all agree that in addition to losing weight, we have energy, clear faces, no saggy skin and were not hungry unless late with the drops. My dad’s cholesteral and blood pressure are down. My blood sugars are stable. Someone’s yeast infection has cleared up. Even Dr. Oz checked into it months ago and did a show about it not being harmful.
    I read the original protocol by Dr. Simeons and I did 3 weeks of research before I tried it. I find it hard to believe that there are studies that show the Hcg is the cause of cancers or diseases. it’s scientific and it works and its been used successfully for 60 years.
    I know that there will be alot of money lost to those in the obesity business if everyone was using the budget friendly, effective HCG drops. It is definately not a coincidence that is been removed from the market.I’m not a conspiracy theroist, but I am seeing a situation here that could fall under that title.
    And really, to the FDA, why is it your business if I want to buy HCG drops that may or may not work, scam or no scam. I decide which scams I want to spend my money on. People pay big bucks for Herbal Magic, there’s less proof to thier product. I’d say its more of a scam. Might as well remove all informercial products, most believe those are mostly scams. But I enjoy my Eggies, thank you.
    I wonder if there is anything we can do as a group, publish experiences, phots, results? Call Kevin Trudea? Just kidding.
    But if you know of any way, we would be happy to participate.

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