vaginal weights

Tears running down your leg?

If you’re a woman of a certain age, like I am, you probably have experienced laughing so hard the tears run down your leg. Or sneezing. Or coughing. Or jogging. Or dancing. Or just about any normal everyday activity. There may also be times when you walk in the door and barely make it to … Read more

breast health

Iodine and Breast Health

Right now, I have five friends with breast cancer in varying stages. One, happily, is emerging from her second round and two have rapidly growing invasive breast cancers. There are many reasons behind the breast cancer epidemic, and I’m going to throw out a major one that few of us know: Iodine shortfalls. Iodine is … Read more

not cancer

It’s not cancer after all…

Doctors make mistakes all the time. They’re human, after all. But when an entire medical profession and pharmaceutical establishment labels a simple condition as cancer, causing untold emotional, physical and financial harm, we have to look at the motivation. All the way back in 2012, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the once impeccable Journal … Read more

manage menopause naturally

Manage Menopause Naturally

Our mothers and grandmothers whispered the words, “The Change.” We could hear the capital letters. We could hear the dread in their voices. If we watched carefully, we could see the older women exchange knowing nods of sympathy and then quickly change the subject. “The Change” was a deep dark mystery to these women, largely … Read more

contraception costs

The Pill Bill: Contraceptive Costs Include Cancer, Strokes and Fatigue

(An article Kathleen wrote for Natural Awakenings magazine) For more than 50 years, women have appreciated the freedom that birth control pills offer. They simply take a little pill every day and rest easy, fairly assured that an unplanned pregnancy won’t occur. However, there’s actually a lot not to love about “The Pill”, especially its … Read more