Solutions for Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

This article originally appear on this blog September 3, 2013. 

My dear friend Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum has just released a new book that is destined to change the lives of many of my readers and friends and others around the world.

The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia simplifies the approach to the epidemic energy crisis in the modern world.

I think Jacob is one of the most brilliant practitioners in the functional medicine field. He’s a pioneer and a tireless advocate for hundreds of thousands of people whose symptoms are so often dismissed by conventional doctors as the simple effects of aging, hypochondria or even hysteria.

This book combines Dr. Teitelbaum’s 35 years of clinical experience and the latest scientific findings to offer the simplest possible solutions to an extremely complex problem.

I think The Fatigue and Fibormyalgia Solution is important for everyone, whether or not you think you may have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, since I don’t know anyone who isn’t experiencing a personal energy crisis these days.

It’s full of questionnaire, self-guided exercises and action plans. There are also helpful supplement recommendations and and who-would-have-guessed-it tips like this:

Fibromyalgia patients who wear and sleep in wool had huge results: 84 percent decrease in pain, 51 percent decrease insensitivity of tender points, 86 percent decrease in muscle stiffness, 91 percent decrease in morning tiredness, 80 percent decrease in overall fatigue, 64 percent decrease in depression and 74 percent reduction in the negative impact of fibromyalgia on daily life.

I’ve long found his SHINE protocol to be easily understood and available to everyone:


Hormonal support

Infection control

Nutritional support


You can learn more about SHINE and Dr. Teitelbaum’s work at his website, .

You’ll find another exciting free energy analysis tool on his website that gives you very specific recommendations about what may be wrong and what you can do about it.

Get a copy from Amazon. You’ll love it!