
Epigenetics: Awakening Sleeping Genes

This is an excerpt from one of the most important books of our time, Curcumin, Nature’s Answer to Cancer by Dr. Ajay Goel. Read more from me about curcumin ==> https://kathleenbarnes.com/category/curcumin/ Does cancer run in your family? Alzheimer’s? Diabetes? Diseases that run in families are common, but you might be surprised to learn that these diseases … Read more


Cancer Is an Inflammatory Disease

From Kathleen: This is a chapter from one of the most important books I’ve published: Curcumin: Nature’s Answer to Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases by Dr. Ajay Goel, an esteemeed cancer researcher at Baylor University. This chapter explains how lifestyle choices cause most cancers and how we can prevent cancer by making wise choices. Cancer … Read more


Bust Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety touches all of our lives at some time. Today’s political uncertainty is taking are heavy toll on many of us as we worry (and probably lose sleep) about possible job losses, economic downturns and more. You already know about meditation, walking in the woods and more. If you’re still feeling jittery, here are some … Read more

stay clutter free

How to Stay Clutter-Free in Minutes a Day

You know one of them or maybe more: Their counters have no boxes of Cheerios and four different coffee containers. Their floors are spotless. Their desks have only a single sheet of paper and a pen on the surface. And, worst of all, there are no stacks of junk mail on every tabletop or baskets … Read more

stress response

A Kinder, Gentler Stress Response

I’m sure you‘ve heard of the “fight or flight” syndrome. That’s the response to a threat—real or imagined—that triggers the survival mechanism that floods your body with hormones and nerve stimulants. At that moment in time, there is nothing more important than survival. Nature shut down all non-essential body processes and prepared our ancestors to … Read more

self care rituals for busy women

Self-Care Rituals for Busy Women: Finding Balance Amid Life’s Demands

Prioritizing Self-Care in a Busy World Between juggling careers, managing households, nurturing relationships, and keeping up with endless to-do lists, many women find themselves stretched thin.  The modern woman is expected to wear multiple hats, often putting the needs of others before her own. In the midst of life’s chaos, self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s a … Read more


Health Benefits of Drumming Can’t Be Beaten

Drumming is another favorite musical pastime of mine. I think the beauty of drumming is that you don’t have to have much musical ability (I don’t!), just a simple ability to keep a beat and to follow along with others if you’re in a group and you can learn very quickly. I owe my love … Read more