How Far Has Your Food Traveled?

Note: This article was originally written for a Canadian publication, but the figures are much the same for U.S. consumption.  Take a look at that luscious, juicy mango on your plate. Your mouth is no doubt watering as you anticipate digging into its sweet ripeness. But the sweetness of that mango or clementine or strawberry … Read more

Keep your nails healthy and beautiful

In the interest of true confession, I had gel nails applied early this summer, just before our European trip. It makes sense, I reasoned. For over two weeks, I would not be weeding the garden, shoveling horse manure or washing dishes. It seemed like the perfect time to have temporarily beautiful nails. Was I ever … Read more

depression is a disease

Depression is a disease

I am devastated by the untimely death of actor Robin Williams, as I am sure many of you are as well. It’s hard to understand how such a brilliant comedian could fall into such profound despair that he would take his own life. Let me say it without any equivocation: Depression is a disease. It … Read more

Iodine and Breast Health

Right now, I have five friends with breast cancer in varying stages. One, happily, is emerging from her second round and two have rapidly growing invasive breast cancers. There are many reasons behind the breast cancer epidemic, and I’m going to throw out a major one that few of us know: Iodine shortfalls. Iodine is … Read more

Improve your health while you sleep!

Think melatonin is just for outsmarting jet lag? Think again! It’s only active at night, but in those hours of darkness, melatonin can provide tremendous health benefits. Recent studies suggest this hormone bolsters immune systems; keeps cells from disintegrating and May even re-set the body’s aging clock. What it is: A hormone found a naturally … Read more

Curcumin For Cancer Prevention & Treatment: With Dosages

Breaking news: Curcumin holds great promise for a long-term solution for cancer patients. I recently interviewed Ajay Goel, Ph.D., primo cancer researcher at Baylor University about his latest research that shows curcumin kills the cells responsible for recurring cancer. Now I know that doctors hate to use the word “cure” for cancer, but that seems … Read more

Dining out: Eat Smarter

Lately I have been in travel and entertainment mode and that seems to necessitate eating in restaurants much more than I would like. Do you even seem trapped in life phases like that? Not to worry. The first thing to know about restaurant food is that almost all of it is highly processed. Have you … Read more

The right seeds

If you’re anything like me, you spend some of these cold, blustery winter evenings leafing through a stack of garden catalogs, dreaming of the gardens to come.  While we have a lot of space, I know my gardening dreams becomes a bit larger than my energy levels and by mid-summer and I am sending barbs … Read more