what's your blood pressure

What’s Your Blood Pressure?

Do you get high blood pressure readings when you visit your doctor’s office? I know I almost always have high readings, even sometimes fairly alarming ones. I also know that my pressure is well within the normal range (best is 120/80) because I measure it at home at least a couple of times a week. … Read more

superfoods from the garden

Superfoods from the Garden

If you have read my book, Food is Medicine: 101 Prescriptions from the Garden, you probably noticed a theme running through it: Certain foods are mentioned over and over, to prevent and treat diseases and maladies that are vastly different. That’s because these foods are superfoods, ones that are so dense in nutrients that they … Read more

laughter is the best medicine

Laughter Is the Best Medicine

If you’re as old as I am, you’ll remember “Laughter is the Best Medicine” was the name of the humor column in Reader’s Digest. It was good advice 50 years ago and it’s even better advice, backed by science, today. In today’s world, it’s probably the redeeming value of Facebook, where I can count on … Read more


Meditation and the Ommmmm Zone

Most of us think that meditation is an esoteric practice, perhaps a spiritual practice and the province only of the enlightened. I’ve been a meditator for most of my adult life and I find it amusing that science is finally catching up with what millions of meditators know intuitively: Meditation helps us to cope with … Read more

gardening is great exercise

Gardening Is Great Exercise

Gardening is the world’s best kept exercise secret. But that’s changing. Recent medical studies have documented what backyard enthusiasts have known for years: Gardening is good for us and it’s a great way to achieve and maintain physical fitness. Regular garden chores can burn anywhere from 120 to 200 calories per 30 minutes, depending on … Read more