self care rituals for busy women

Self-Care Rituals for Busy Women: Finding Balance Amid Life’s Demands

Prioritizing Self-Care in a Busy World Between juggling careers, managing households, nurturing relationships, and keeping up with endless to-do lists, many women find themselves stretched thin.  The modern woman is expected to wear multiple hats, often putting the needs of others before her own. In the midst of life’s chaos, self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s a … Read more


Join the sisterhood for a longer, better and wiser life

Make time for friends—real life ones, not the re-runs of the television show! More and more, science is proving what we woman have known forever: close friendships can help you live longer, better and wiser. In fact, some recent research suggests that building and maintaining social networks can add 30 years to your life. So … Read more

power of walking

The Power of Walking: Why It’s the Best Exercise for Women Over 40

As we move into our 40s and beyond, our bodies undergo subtle but important shifts, making it essential to adopt activities that support our changing needs.  For women over 40, health goals often include reducing stress, preserving bone health, and maintaining a balanced metabolism.  While there are countless ways to approach fitness, walking stands out … Read more

balancing hormones naturally

Balancing Hormones Naturally: Foods and Practices for Menopause Relief

Menopause is the devil. It’s a natural phase in a woman’s life, typically occurring between the ages of 45 and 55, when the body undergoes significant hormonal changes.  As estrogen and progesterone levels decline, many women experience a range of symptoms, including hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.  These changes can … Read more

tired of being tired

Tired of Being Tired?

Do you wake up feeling like you’ve never been asleep? Do you lie awake at night? Do you feel fuzzy-headed and you’re prone to headaches? Muscle aches and pains? These symptoms are part of a basket of maladies that might be chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). They could also describe hypothyroidism or adrenal fatigue. Unfortunately these … Read more


Menopause and The Calcium Lie

This is an excerpt from The Calcium Lie: What Your Doctor Still Doesn’t Know by Dr. Robert Thompson and Kathleen Barnes. The menopause blues can really get a woman down, I know. I’ve been there. Most doctors tell us that hormone imbalances are the cause of hot flashes, depression, weight gain, irritability, insomnia, memory loss, … Read more

toxic feminine hygiene products

Toxic Feminine Hygiene Products and Some Alternatives

From Kathleen’s book Our Toxic World: A Survivor’s Guide.  Eeek! You’re Putting What? Where?? While we’re on the subject of what’s touching your body, and especially your sensitive parts, consider feminine hygiene products, my sisters. Skin is the body’s biggest organ. We have 16 to 21 square feet of skin. And it’s very absorbent. Consider the … Read more