do nothing

Challenge: Do Nothing for 5 Minutes a Day

Many years ago, a spiritual teacher gave me what seemed like a simple assignment: Do nothing for five minutes a day. That’s it. Do nothing. It was the most difficult assignment I’ve ever had. It didn’t mean to meditate or look at the flowers in the garden or count my breaths or take a nap … Read more

cocoa banishes wrinkles

Cocoa banishes wrinkles, too!

We all love our chocolate and recent research has given us myriad health reasons why that daily dose of dark chocolate is good for us. Now recent research shows us that chocolate—or at least a component of chocolate—can also erase wrinkles. What’s not to love? The benefit actually comes from the flavonoid-rich cocoa pod, the … Read more

giving away our brain function

Memory robbers part 2: Surprising ways we’re giving away our brain function

Continuing last week’s look at common prescription and over-the-counter drugs that are proven to cause memory loss, this week we’re looking at: Hypertension drugs Opioids and narcotic painkillers Sleep aids Incontinence drugs Parkinson’s drugs Here’s a quick rundown and a brief look at natural alternatives: Hypertension drugs, best known as beta blockers, slow the heart … Read more

lack of sleep

Lack of sleep causes brain shrinkage

The laundry list of the health risks linked to lack of sleep is growing longer and more frightening. Several new studies have unveiled a truly jolting series of results that boil down to this: Lack of sleep results in brain damage, brain shrinkage, poor memory and Alzheimer’s disease. Here is the down low on the … Read more


Join the sisterhood for a longer, better and wiser life

Make time for friends—real life ones, not the re-runs of the television show! More and more, science is proving what we woman have known forever: close friendships can help you live longer, better and wiser. In fact, some recent research suggests that building and maintaining social networks can add 30 years to your life. So … Read more