HCG drops targeted by FDA
The FDA is cracking down on some companies selling homeopathic HCG drops for weight loss.
The FDA is cracking down on some companies selling homeopathic HCG drops for weight loss.
You don’t have to pack on those “traditional” holiday five pounds. Here are some simple tips to keep you on track.
Maintain your weight through the holidays and then manage your weight completely in 2012. Teleseminar invitation from Kathleen Barnes.
Join Me for a No-Cost Webinar Wednesday, Nov. 16 7:30-8:30 Eastern To Register, e-mail Kathleen@KathleenBarnes.com Want to get rid of excess weight? Have you tried every diet under the sun without success? Now is the time for success with the Super Simple HCG Diet. Kathleen Barnes has done it and you can, too. Kathleen, author of The … Read more
It’s time for women to begin thinking of alternatives to annual mammograms and to resist the breast cancer awareness month hype. Thermograms are a newer, safer way of breast cancer detection and prevention.
Reasons why you should disregard the study showing a link between vitamin consumption and mortality in older women.
It’s not necessarily the quantity of calories you eat, but their quality. Interesting thoughts from Jordan Rubin of extraordinaryhealth.com
Travel doesn’t have to be an excuse to deviate wildly from your HCG Diet. All it takes is a little planning.
Eat garlic, spinach, potatoes, onions, sunflower seeds and dried beans to hep contorl your blood pressure.