cocoa banishes wrinkles

Cocoa banishes wrinkles, too!

We all love our chocolate and recent research has given us myriad health reasons why that daily dose of dark chocolate is good for us. Now recent research shows us that chocolate—or at least a component of chocolate—can also erase wrinkles. What’s not to love? The benefit actually comes from the flavonoid-rich cocoa pod, the … Read more

lack of sleep

Lack of sleep causes brain shrinkage

The laundry list of the health risks linked to lack of sleep is growing longer and more frightening. Several new studies have unveiled a truly jolting series of results that boil down to this: Lack of sleep results in brain damage, brain shrinkage, poor memory and Alzheimer’s disease. Here is the down low on the … Read more

aluminum and alzheimer's

The link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s

Note from Kathleen: Earlier this week, I posted an article on aluminum toxicity from Dr. Joseph Mercola and it generated some discussion and thoughts I’d like to expand upon here. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter if you don’t already.  The link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease has definitively confirmed what has long been … Read more

vitamin d and brain health

Vitamin D and Brain Health

This article originally appeared on this website in November of 2014. Chalk up another of the impressive benefits of vitamin D: It can prevent Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. Several new studies confirm that people with the lowest vitamin D levels are at dramatically increased risk of dementia. (Alzheimer’s is the most common form of … Read more

Statin Drugs and Memory Loss

Statin drugs and memory loss

Statin drugs are among the most frequently used popular prescription drugs in the world, raking in sales of over $35 billion—that’s right billion—a year. For what? They purport to lower cholesterol and thereby prevent heart attacks. In fact they do lower cholesterol, but the evidence linking statins to heart attack prevention has been called into … Read more